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Preparing the way

Rise ye mighty people-Honorable Marcus Mosiah Garvey


Revolution starts within. It begins from the inside. There is constant revolutionary chatter about getting your own something, yet those that espouse this idea will often denounce others that are getting things. Getting or acquiring things is not the issue. The love and desire of the thing is the problem. The idea of things as a panacea for one’s ills would be the restraining tether that retards growth. However, those that aspire to “get your/their own” land, language, state, island, government, house, etc… are truly aspiring for “some-thing” as well. But, the revolution begins inside. Why then, are the voices of “revolution” continuing to cry in the wilderness for that “some-thing” they deem worthy of attaining? Has the truth of revolution, beginning inside been dismissed? Is it overlooked? Or, just plain ignored? Are they saying that we should gain our own land, state, nation, language, or whatever without making positive internal changes? Maybe they believe the positive internal changes cannot be made while living under oppressive conditions. If the latter is case, then their sense of history is distorted. There is no historical basis that we cannot make positive changes under some of the worst possible conditions. Those in this way of thinking confess with their mouths that we are a great people that built the pyramids but, they truly don’t believe this.

Under the conditions of slavery or the overall conditions surrounding slavery (it’s ignorance to believe all Black people were enslaved) we produced millionaires, physical revolutionaries, teachers, lawyers, physicians and great religious and political leaders. How then, can we believe we cannot produce the positive internal changes needed to sustain our own land, language, state, nation while living under the oppressive conditions of today? To talk revolution without talking of building good character, without talking of working on cleaning our internal houses, without screaming to the people about cleaning the house, yard and street in front of the house or apartment they are living in at this minute are just inveigling the people with aspirations of grandeur without a basic foundation. They are the people that will build their house on the sand.

Reader Comments (5)

This is such common sense and it is so basic; and yet its ignored. Its like people get insulted when this kind of standard, root-knowledge gets shared. Its like people prefer the nice sounding delusion to the reality that makes us responsible for our destiny.

We MUST change. Its like that song, "Everything Must Change." Its/EVERYTHING is changing whether we like it or not. Can we vision the change, manage the change, impact it; or, are we like garbage floating in the river, subject to the current?

It seems we can be bought with rhetoric, hand over our autonomy to a stiff wind. We're not victims/thugs for life unless we choose to be real.

This is some healthy liberationist propaganda. Thanks for laying this shit out with clarity and vision.
December 29, 2007 | Unregistered Commentermaxjulian
I like this post. I have been working on my "internal house" with great fervor lately. As a matter of fact, I tried to post on this "spring cleaning" earlier today - but was unable to articulate the immense amount of work that needs to be done. Thank you.
December 29, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterAlisha9
This is an very intersting post. Because it's true most people don't believe in changing themselves for the better, and I think it's because we get so set in our own ways to the point where we feel we don't need to change nothing about us and our ways. Not realizing that a change might just do us some good, but not only for ourselves, but for our children, career,our home, and how we will live our life in future. For me personally i believe myself that change starts from within meaning your heart, mind, and than soul. If you just have faith and believe in yourself especially as an african american living in today's world, and there will be nothing you won't be able to accomplish or over come. Thank you for your insight it really do make you think that "hey maybe I do need to make some changes."
December 30, 2007 | Unregistered Commentertiffany
The new blog look is awesome. I like it a lot. High impact visual look. Nice upgrade.
January 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAaron
@MaxJulian, this is for real. Many even claim that in this day and age we are living that the battle is on the cellular level. In that case it would take a serious cleansing.

@Alisha, You are so welcome. I call this medicine and its just as much for me as it is for anyone else.

@Tiffany, Thanks for stopping by. You know the only thing we really can change is ourselves and thats the place most people don't want to go!

@Aaron, Thanks brotha. I had doubts about the BIG color...LOL!!!
January 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEnsayn

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