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Tis the Season


This is the season of holidays, which is a most difficult time for me. It’s not difficult due to the season itself, but because of  the people around me. In the bible Paul writes in Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

This is the difficulty. Since I don’t participate in the Christmas gift exchange or drinking and revelry of the season I appear to be an odd ball or out of touch. But, if I conform and practice this gifting tradition, and yet I have learned the season has NOTHING AT ALL to do with the birth of a Christ child or anything to do with Black people of  Northern Africa (ancient Palestine now misnomered Israel) 2000 plus years ago, then, am I even attempting to live by the bible verse above? Would I not be conforming to this world? These thoughts came to me while listening to Senator Obama and Senator Clinton announce their New Years resolutions, each having a well thought out resolution, as if it’s a must to have a New Years resolution!  Why must everyone have a New Year's resolution?  I mean they answered as if the total American voting public has a New Year's and if they didn't they would somehow be out of touch with the general populace.  And both Sen Obama and Sen Clinton constantly speak of change but they had a New Year's resolution.  No change there.  I guess the only change they are speaking of is that either a Black male or a white female may be the next president. In Romans 12:2. "Renewing of your mind" implies you mind must be made new again. How do we make our minds new again by doing the same OLD things again and again?

Again, Paul writes in Timothy 2:15 “ Study to shew thyself approved unto God…” When we study our true herstory/history we find that many of the traditions we practice are not by us nor are they good for us. When we study these traditions we will find they lead us far from the God we believe we are worshipping. We will also find that when we practice what we have studied we grow further and further from the everyday things that conform us to this world.  

Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the family coming together to eat, drink and be merry but, I don't like the way this season has become a season of commercial economic glutney.  Santa Claus was created by big business (Coke, Cocaine a Cola) for big business.  I would love that families and friends put an emphasis on loving and appreciating one another more than the need to buy for eachother! 

Reader Comments (2)

I certainly understand your point of view. I celebrate the season, but I take very deliberate steps to make sure my daughter understands the reason for the season. The focus is not on her getting gifts, but us sitting down together deciding how to give to others.
December 16, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterLisa
Lisa, that's the best thing. It enhances the relationship between you and your daughter. I ancient Europe, giving to those less fortunate was the "reason for the season." This later expanded to boxing day, celebrated to this day in Britain and her former colonies and Canada on December 26th. This was the date the trade workers would open their "tip" box and the day the pastors of churches would dole out the money people had put into the Alms Boxes up until Christmas day.
December 17, 2007 | Registered Commenter[Victor Amenta]

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