Liberation Begins in the Hearts and the Minds of a People!

Iron mask and collar used during slavery
I was having a conversation on my daily commute through Atlanta with some enlightened brothas on MARTA, the transit system here. We began by talking about power and what power truly is and much of the hidden history of the United States. And how gaining knowledge, true knowledge of the history of Black people and the land in which we live is powerful medicine. For instance, little do people know that Great Britain, Spain, France and the United States paid tribute to several nations in west Africa (some call the Barbary Coast as if they were barbarians) for rights to travel the sea lanes between Africa, Europe and the Americas, (read here) that later became known as the Triangular Slave Trade. We discussed how teaching this information to Black youth could better help the mindset of many of our children.
However, one of the brothas said that even with this information being taught, learned and understood we would still not be as formidable of a people that we could be, because many of us are full of sh*t! A few people listening to the conversation reared back and said you got that right brotha! You know how ni**ahs can be! Knowing they missed the point he said to them “I don’t think you are getting what I’m saying. You are literally full of sh*t! Remember, we started out by saying that liberation begins in the hearts and minds of the people. Yet, the hearts and minds of our people are polluted. So, he began to explain how the foods we eat may truly be affecting the way we think and act. We are eating crap instead of food. Many of us engage of eating McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy’s, Taco Bell and from all the other “feed” chain stores that are set up in our cities, never once thinking how what we ingest affects our minds, how we think. Most of us don’t realize that most of the meats we eat are from female animals. Not knowing that when we eat an animal we are ingesting more than meat, but we are eating the blood of the animal (this is part of what makes a steak juicy) and in the blood is DNA, and there are the chemical messengers also known as hormones and also the fat of the animal..
So know then, that when we are eating animals we are ingesting the mental and physical characteristics of the animal. We are eating the hormones of the animal. Now, since most meats come from the female gender of animals we are eating primarily the female hormone estrogen. Could this be a reason for the feminization of males, ie, down low brothers? Almost all of the animals raised on factory farms never see the light of day, never roam and graze, never eat grasses and grains that are normal diet for them so they are pumped full of antibiotics. Could it be because of the use of these antibiotics that we are seeing more resistant strains of bacteria? Most factory farms have to meet the high demand of the consumer so the animals are given growth hormones for faster growth or more milk production. Is this why we are seeing our young female children as young as eleven with a body shape of a 18 year old? Are we witnessing a low grade “roid” rage in many of the young males in our community? Is this why they may be committing murder and rape at ages as young as 8?
Our food is polluted with many man made things in the name of the consumer god and this god may be killing us. In turn our minds are polluted because of the toxins we carry in our stomach and colons. Understand that a toxic colon will lead to a toxic brain and toxic thoughts, thus a toxic mind. Toxins can be passed, however, this comes by going to the TOILET!!! We don’t drink water, we don’t eat raw vegetables (fiber) therefore we don’t go to the bathroom. So like the brotha said many of you are full of sh*t! I hope we get his point. Without a clean body we will not have a clean mind and because of this, liberation may be harder to come by than we think.
When I reached work after this conversation, a co-worker made an announcement to us that there was a mass found in his colon and its cancerous. Last year he had and angioplasty done because he had 70% blockage of his arteries. I wonder if he knows both ailments are related? Lets pray for him and his family.
Reader Comments (3)
@BlackPearl, I know its a difficult fight to get others to come around but as you said to lead by example is a great weapon in the fight. Thanks for checking in both of you!!