The Dog and Dunbar Villiage

I now know the problem is with me. Myself, and a few people close to me must be the ones that have the problem. There just has to be something we can do to get help. Am I off? Because, I cannot in anyway get excited about what Dog the Bounty Hunter said to his son. So he says he uses the word ni**er when he and his family talk. I’m not surprised, upset, nor have any other emotion about the issue. We should take this, as a confirmation that what we suspected many white folk do behind closed doors is a fact. They work with you all day, talk with you, smile when they barge into your office while you’re taking a lunch break at your desk and go home and say “aw that uppity ni**er… or those ni**ers…” when they speak about you in the comfort of there own homes. Anyone astonished by the way Dog spoke, because he is white, needs to wake up and smell the coffee. For goodness sake the man calls himself Dog, what do you expect? He sees himself as an animal. Do we think he would see other people in a better light? I was once told that it’s the nature of a snake to bite, even bite the hand that feeds it. So when the snake bites you, should you be mad at the snake for what the snake’s nature tells it to do? Shouldn’t we be upset at ourselves if we don’t see a snake right in front of our eyes and it bites us? Please! We have much more wickedness to splash hot lava on. Dog is just another snake in the grass, we need to be mindful of. But, what about the snake that changes like the chameleon? The snakes, that reside within us.
These vipers are much harder to see, so they are much more dangerous. We have, somehow allowed these evil spirits to develop among us. These souls lurk all around us and require deep internal work to bring out. I am talking about the Black people that hurt us. “At any level the worse devil is a Black one…” chants Sadat X of Brand Nubian. We have allowed the growth of a wicked essence to live with us and now it’s in the process of destroying us. The destruction of Mama continues with the assistance of women, I don't mean all women but, the reaction of some of the women of Dunbar Villiage was quite insensitive. The wicked rape and mental destruction that took place in the Dunbar Village projects by Tommy Poindexter 18, Nathan Walker 17, Jakaris Taylor 16, Avion Lawson 14 and six other boys to one of our Haitian sisters and her son was worse than what happened to Megan Williams in West Virginia. I say this, because these are other Black people. I say this because these boys forced a Mother to perform oral sex ON HER OWN SON!!! “At any level the worse devil is a Black one…” I keep hearing the lyrics. Three hours they took turns raping her and beating her son. When they were done, they doused them with household cleansers. They blinded the son with these cleansers. Because the boys stole the only means of communication they had this mother and son had to walk over a mile to a hospital for help. The response of one of the WOMEN that lives in the same projects said, “so what a woman was raped…” “At any level the worse devil is a Black one…”
The mother of one of the accused Harriet Rogers Poindexter said “I think it was cruel what happened to that lady…My son wouldn’t do nothing like that. Every child goes through things. He’s a good Kid.”
It’s best to be quiet Mom, until all things are settled. They’re reporting they have physical evidence linking your son to the destruction of the mental state of a 12 year old boy and the mother of that child.
To assist Megan Williams write to; To assist Dunbar Villiage Victims write to;
Wilana Megan Williams Trust Fund Dunbar Villiage Victims Assistance
St. Ann's Catholic Church
310 N. Olive Street
West Palm, Beach FL33401
707 Virginia St. E.
Charleston, WV 25301
Reader Comments (4)
I have watched "Dog the Bountyhunter" many times, and he has never expressed a hint of racism on the show. The thing that gets me about Dog is that he openly professes his Christian faith on the show, on religious TV, and everywhere else he gets an open mike. But now we get to hear the REAL Dog, the man that exists when the cameras aren't rolling. We see his TV persona is just a sham, he's a Christian only when we're looking at him, but at home, he is an undercover racist. Kind of like hiding under a hood, don't you think? I'm not upset with Dog for being a racist. I am upset with Dog for being a liar and a hypocrite. All I can say is be yourself, Dog, do you, so I can do me, and the next time your show comes on I can call you a cracker and change the channel.