Super Bull to Super Bug!

Soldiers saving the U.S. dollar in Iraq!!
So where is the U.S. dollar going, other than down? I hope you’ve noticed the price of gold is up to $750 per ounce, oil is closing in on $90 per barrel and the U.S. government is selling wolf tickets on Iran once again louder than ever. The 4th branch can yap all they want about Iran’s president being a mad man and Iran building nuclear weapons, but, so is North Korea and no noise there. Many of you may believe its because the North Korean army would be tough to tangle with at this time. But, the reality is that Iran is now selling oil to the world by only accepting the Euro as payment and not the once all mighty petrodollar, that’s the U.S. greenback. North Korea is not. By the way the Euro has surpassed the dollar at $1.43 to $1.00 U.S. dollar and the Canadian dollar is now $1.035 to the $1.00 U.S. dollar. The fact of the matter is inflation is looming over the U.S. economy at a massive rate. Though, most economist don’t consider the price of oil as part of the inflation index, it most certainly is. The increase in the price of gold is to hedge against inflation, thus as we notice the ever increasing price of gold we see inflation on the back end. But, here is the itch the government just can’t scratch, at least right now. In March 2006 Iran began it’s Oil Bourse, that being an exchange on the French stock market. Knowing this, Federal Reserve chairman Ben S. Bernake announced that the Federal Reserve would no longer publish the M-3 report, which it has done since the Fed’s awful inception in 1913. What does the M-3 report do? The M-3 report, keeps track of the amount of U.S. greenbacks with in the U.S. economy. Since March 2006 both China and Russia have been purchasing Iranian oil with the Euro. So, what happened to all those U.S. dollars that China and Russia were holding? They get flushed back into the U.S. economy. How many dollars you ask? We don’t know, remember the Fed no longer publishes the M-3 report!! Not a coincidence. So, today Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice is on CNN announcing the U.S. has placed harsher sanctions on Iran. We in the U.S. are dealing with fiat money, no longer backed by a precious metal but guns and bombs. Watch out Iran! Until North Korea can sell oil on the world market for Euros they have nothing to worry about.
Speaking of worry, MRSA the super bug is out and some say at epidemic levels in the U.S. Methicillin-Resistant Staphlococcus Aureus or MRSA has killed a 14 year old boy in Virginia last week, and has now been contracted by 23 school age children in Georgia. Normally, this bacteria, is found in hospitals and passed on by the unsanitary practices of hospital staff who infect other patients. Now, somehow the germ is showing up in schools. The Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, GA USA reports that over 90,000 people contract the disease each year. MRSA is related to the flesh eating disease that ran rampant a few years ago in the U.S.. The washing of hands and over all good hygiene will help protect you against this dis-ease. More importantly, we have to work on strengthening our immune system. Eat more vegetables, raw and cooked. Eat as much fruit as you can and most importantly drink water. At the same time, cut the amount of meat you eat. We all should, at a minimum, drink 64 ounces of water per day, but another way to get the correct amount of water is to know your body weight. Divide your weight in half and drink that amount of water in ounces. For instance, if a person weighs 150 pounds, half of that would be 75 pounds, thus this person should drink 75 ounces of water per day. This is easy to do, and we should all work to make ourselves stronger against disease.
Reader Comments (2)
Water is essential to saving your life. Bob Marley said none can save us but ourselves! Keep up the work though, you will get there on the cooking...LOL