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Entries by [Victor Amenta] (290)


Whats really wrong with our youth?

Remy "ma" Smith was convicted of assault, and is facing 25 years in "the big house."  She was accused of getting into an argument with chid hood friend Mekeda Barnes-Joseph in July about $3000.00 that Remy Ma said Mekeda Barnes-Joseph stole from her.  Remy Ma pulls out a gun and Ms. Joseph in the stomach.  The court did find the shooting was accidental, therefore attmpted murder charges were dropped.


Clifford "T.I." Harris is facing possibly one year in federal prison after pleading guilty to weapons charges.  These incidents plus the thousands of others like them (most committed by the financially less fortunate) makes me wonder whats wrong with our youth.  Just Lisa posits that parents or the lack thereof may be one reason we see many of our youth failing in socitey.  But, I personally know of a young lady thats on the verge of "making it big", has good parents, good home life, lives in the home her parents own but, she still displays these tendancies of being wild.  Does anyone know whats happening with our youth for real?


Open Letter 3/28/2008 Update: A New Underground Railroad is Born

Subject: The Dunbar Village Atrocity


In the past week, a rapidly-moving viral email campaign was launched, and thousands of concerned black citizens spread the word about a shocking crime against a Black woman and her 12 year old son, in which crimes against nature were committed. (read more details of the crime here)

This email, entitled “Stop Al Sharpton and the NAACP from endangering Black Women,” described a stunning betrayal in which the NAACP and Al Sharpton held a press conference and demanded bail consideration for three suspects in custody for the crime. (source1) (source2)

Concerned Black citizens all around the country were outraged by the actions of the NAACP and Al Sharpton, and many vowed to withdraw volunteering and financial support from these agencies “until they make the safety of Black women and children a priority.”

On March 24, 2008 an NAACP memo that attempted to defend this betrayal was sent to Beverly Neal, who is the Director of the NAACP’s Florida State Conference. The memo claims that the NAACP was brought into this fray by Rev. Al Sharpton. Moreover, the memo was written by Maude Ford Lee, who is President of the West Palm Beach Branch of the NAACP. (read the memo here)

On March 27,2008, activist Al Sharpton went on the air to clarify his position on the treatment of the Dunbar Village Suspects. He invited writer Tonyaa Weathersbee and blogger Arlene Fenton to his show, to discuss the matter. Rev. Sharpton claimed that he never said that the Dunbar Village suspects were being treated unfairly, and that he did not want bail for the suspects in question.

Ms Weathersbee and Ms Fenton said that their research indicated otherwise, as indicated by video footage, eyewitness accounts, and the reporting from the Florida Sun Sentinel and the Palm Beach Post.

At the end of the radio show, Al Sharpton strongly condemned any activity that would promote bail consideration for the suspects in question. Rev. Sharpton admitted that “if the suspects were white, he would have been there sooner.” He stated that this is a problem with many black civil rights organizations. He apologized and vowed to uphold his prior promise to advocate for the residents of Dunbar Village. He also challenged all activists, bloggers, and writers to be accountable to each other.

To date, the NAACP has not made an official statement denouncing the Dunbar Village Atrocity, nor have they officially expressed regret to the victim. The NAACP also has not officially retracted their statement requesting bail consideration for the alleged rapists/torturers. To our understanding, neither agency has contributed to the Victim’s Assistance Fund or created a reward program geared toward the apprehension of the remaining rapists/torturers.


WE ARE SATISFIED with Al Sharpton’s qualifying statements that he made on his radio show on 3/27/2008. We will watch to see if he fulfills his promise to advocate for the residents of Dunbar Village, and we are willing to assist any effort that promotes safer black neighborhoods in West Palm Beach, FL.

WE ARE NOT CONTENT with the reckless, irresponsible actions of the NAACP (West Palm Beach chapter). We continue to urge all black people, women especially, to refrain from volunteering or giving financially to this organization until they take our safety seriously.


We want law enforcement to make a concerted, sustained effort to apprehend the remaining suspects. We want to see a genuine reward system in place to encourage members of the community to come forward with the knowledge of the whereabouts of the remaining suspects.

We want the NAACP (West Palm Beach chapter) to reverse their position that the alleged rapists/torturers of this case should be considered for bail.

We want both the NAACP and the National Action Network to cease downgrading the gang rape/torture/atrocity of the Dunbar Village by comparing it to an unrelated gang rape, in which guns, maiming, and forced incest were not involved.

We want to see genuine victim advocacy in the form of financial support for the relocation, medical expenses, and mental therapy for the true victims in this case.

The Dunbar Village Victim Assistance Fund

Individuals who would like to donate money to the victims can go to any Wachovia Bank and donate to the St. Ann’s Victim’s Assistance Fund. Donations will go directly to the mother and her son.

St. Ann’s Catholic Church will also accept donations. Checks can be made payable to the "Dunbar Village Victim Assistance Fund - St. Ann’s".

Donations can be mailed to: St. Ann’s Catholic Church, 310 N. Olive Avenue, West Palm Beach, FL 33401

If you would like to post this Open Letter on your blog, you can copy the HTML here:

(Blogger HTML) A New Underground Railroad is Born
(General HTML) A New Underground Railroad is Born

For more information about this Dunbar Village Campaign, you can visit any of the following blogs:


The Real ID is coming. Are you prepared?

Page one of the original copy of the Constitution

The consolidation of the States into one vast empire, sure to be aggressive abroad and despotic at home, will be the certain precursor of ruin which has overwhelmed all that preceded it. --General Robert E Lee

Immortal Technique explains on his track The 4th Branch, from the CD Revolutionary Volume 2, how the state of mainstream media today, in his estimation, is working hand in hand with, and for the government. Journalism, in this country was to serve as a buffer against misinformation, to report things as they are, avoiding as much of a slant as possible. Yet, our media outlets don’t report the news in total. They cherry pick news. But, by who’s authority? How can the deadline of 11 May 08 approach, and the public is not warned of the possible confusion looming at U.S. airports? Confusion you say? Yes, the confusion of people with state issued identification from the states that are not bowing down to the Department of Homeland Security’s pressure to conform to the mandates of the Real ID. States such as Maine, Montana, Washington State, Massachusetts, South Carolina, New Mexico, Utah, Arizona, Georgia (recently asked for an extension), Idaho, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Oregon, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Rhode Island have all passed legislation against the Real ID in at least one of the chambers of their respective legislatures. If these states do not at the least apply for an extension, residents of those states must prepare for this possible mass confusion at airports.

The problem with the media seems to be of none reporting. There is a type of blackout concerning such a crucial change in the way ID’s are issued and the meaning of the Real ID. There is no discussion on the pros and cons of what is, by all accounts, a national ID card and what that means. The American public will be blind sided. There are going to be residents of the states that aren’t in compliance with DHS and Real ID on May 11th that may be stranded or will possibly undergo rigorous searches before boarding a plane if traveling that day. They may encounter blocks into federal buildings, opening bank accounts, or taking advantage of nearly any government service. Why aren’t the media candidates Obama, Clinton and McCain talking about this? Why is the Real ID such a quiet issue in the news? Is DHS hoping to punish the citizens of the U.S. so they will scream to their state governments to comply rather than fight? Why are the various news agencies quiet on the matter? What corporations stands to make money from Real ID? Digimarc, Sun Micro Systems? What say you??

Could Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee be right????


An Open Letter to the National Action Network and the NAACP.

This is an open letter sent by Aaron & Alaine at A Political Seaon and another letter at Black Women Vote.  We must fight to stop injustices any and everywhere.  I am sadly disappointed in the actions of these negro groups the NAACP and NAN, that are ASKING FOR BAIL for the young killers that attacked a mother and her son in the Dunbar Village apartments.  I refer to the entities that committed this atrocity as killers as they have surely killed the spirit, mind and sanctity of one of our most ancient symbols of our very existance, the Black Mother and Child!










Al Sharpton - National Action Network
Julian Bond - Chairman - NAACP
Maude Ford Lee - President - West Palm Beach Branch NAACP
Sabu Williams - Director - Florida State Conference NAACP

I'm writing to protest the recent actions of the NAACP and the National Action Network in the Dunbar Village rape case. As you know, on June 18th, 2007, a black woman and her 12 year old son were viciously and savagely attacked by 10 black men and boys in a West Palm Beach Florida public housing project called Dunbar Village . The woman was brutally gang raped for over three hours, tortured and forced to perform oral sex on her 12 year old son at gunpoint. They were doused with chemicals, poured into their eyes and the woman's vagina in an attempt to destroy evidence. They were saved from being burned alive only because the rapists could not find matches. No one called the police during the three hour attack. No one came to their aid when the attack was over. They had to walk a mile to a hospital before they were assisted by anyone.

On Tuesday, March 11, 2008, Al Sharpton and the West Palm Beach NAACP held a press conference accusing the prosecutor of treating those arrested in this case unfairly. You demanded that the prosecutor offer bail to the boys arrested in this case and not try them as adults, because this was being done by the prosecutor in another gang rape case involving white perpetrators in a different Florida jurisdiction.

Following the attack, vigorous efforts were made to contact NAN and the NAACP and enlist your aid in getting help and attention for the victim of this horrific crime. An NAACP spokesman, when contacted, said they would not respond because "it was outside their mission". Despite repeated calls to the National Action Network, there was NO RESPONSE. No statement on behalf of the victim, no protest, not one single word. Contrast this to the swift and vocal response Al Sharpton and NAN exhibited to the Duke rape case. In the Duke case, loud and vocal support of the victim and calls for justice for her attackers, but in the Dunbar Village case.......complete silence. The difference between the two cases? At Duke - the alleged attackers were white men; in Dunbar Village, the alleged attackers are black men. Contrast the response in this case to the NAACP's vigorous defense of Michael Vick for merely killing dogs, but the brutal and horrific gang rape of a black woman in front of her 12 year old son provokes not a single word.

For almost a year, NAN and the NAACP had nothing to say in support of the black woman victim and her son. You made no calls for the West Palm Beach police to swiftly find these criminals, of whom six are still on the loose. You did nothing to my knowledge to offer help to this woman and her child to help them recover. In all points, you exhibited a complete moral indifference to the crime committed against this black woman. Now, almost a year later, you come rushing to the defense of....the rapists??!!!! Your actions send the clear message that crimes committed against black women are not important to your organizations unless they present an opportunity to protest perceived racism and if exploiting a poor, gang raped black woman can help you grab some media spotlight for that purpose, thats okay.

I ask, where is your moral compass? How is it that the vile nature of what you are doing is not apparent to you? You are championing rapists while deliberately, purposefully ignoring the vicious gang rape and torture of a black woman. Your actions make clear that neither you Al Sharpton as a black man, nor the NAACP, value the dignity, safety and well being of black women. Your actions make clear that the rape and violation of black women is okay depending on the race of the violator. You will protest the rape of black women by white men, but you will say nothing about the rape of black women by black men and in fact will defend the black rapists of african american women. It is a second violation of this woman and indeed of all black women as vile as the first.

Your behavior in this case is morally indefensible and despicable. There is no justification for it, no basis in morality that would support what Al Sharpton and the NAACP are doing. I demand that you reverse course. I demand that you turn the resources of your organization to providing support and aid to the innocent victims in this case, not the perpetrators. I demand that you publicly in word and deed put pressure on the West Palm Beach authorities to find and arrest the other six rapists still on the loose.

If you are unwilling to immediately and publicly acknowledge the error of your actions in regard to the Dunbar Village case, I and as many others as I can persuade to join me, will pursue every avenue available to make the public at large, the media, your membership, your financial and political supporters, your sponsors and the entire world aware of your willing and informed support and encouragement of the brutal rape and torture of a black woman. My outrage is shared by many others. NAN and the NAACP will be held accountable.

The actions of Al Sharpton and the NAACP to support rapists of black women is a moral abomination, a moral atrocity. It degrades and sullies the good the NAACP has accomplished. It should not be allowed to stand. It is non negotiable. If the NAACP and NAN must be ripped apart and rebuilt anew to restore its moral compass and establish as sacrosanct the dignity, value and safety of black women, that is preferable to organizations which knowingly support the violation and rape of black women.
To our readers. If you agree with the above, make it a letter template for other people. Forward it, twit it, facebook it, newsvine it, digg it, and anything else you can think of. Turn it into a viral hurricane of outrage and accountability.

You can communicate directly to the organizations with the info below:

NAACP: Julian Bond -Chairman

4805 Mt. Hope Drive, Baltimore MD 21215
Toll Free: (877) NAACP-98
Local: (410) 580-5777

National Action Network
Al Sharpton

Crisis Department
106 W. 145th Street
Harlem, New York 10039

Florida State Conference
ADDRESS: 230 Seneca Trail; Crest View, FL 32536
TELEPHONE: (850) 301-2095 FAX: (850) 301-2098

West Palm Beach County Branch - Unit # 5143
President: Maude Ford Lee
Mailing Address: P. O. Box 4131 West Palm Beach, FL 33407
Telephone: (561) 655-9798

Atlanta Branch

President: Rev. Dr. R.L. White

Mailing address: 2034 Metropolitan Pkwy, Atlanta, GA 30315

Telephone: (404) 761-1260

This behavior should not be allowed to stand. Let's put a stop to it.


Barak Obama's speech on race. And thoughts on the economy.

Sen. Barak Obama


Today Barak Obama gave a speech to knock you down.  I read of Jewish woman that said she had the speech on and was listening as she folded clothes and she had to sit down because her knees buckled while listening to his speech.  Sen. Obama said that  "I am the son of a black man from Kenya and a white woman from Kansas.  I was raised with the help of a white grandfather who survived the depression to serve in Patton's Army during World War II and a white grandmother who worked on a bomber assembly line at Fort Leavenworth while he was overseas.  I've gone to some of the best schools in America and lived in one of the world's poorest nations.  I am married to a black American who carries within her the blood of slaves and slaveowners-an inheritance we pass on to our two precious daughters.  I have brothers, sistes, nieces, nephews, uncles and cousins, of every hue, scattered across three continents, and for as long as I live, I will never forget that in no other country on earth is my story even possible." 

These are some very powerful words that could have the ability to knock you down.  Yet, for me I am still not able to partake in the Obama-mania.  The speech was very "wow" filled, but lacking.  It's fine for him to allay the fears of his fringe and white voters.  To dispell any fears that by his connection to Rev. Jeremiah Wright he is somehow racist, even to the point of painting a picture of how its pretty much impossible for him to be racist. Yet, this only touches on part of what Rev. Wright expressed that Sen. Obama ommited in his speech on racism in America.  The crux of the words that sparked the firestorm were what many in the Black community perceive as the "truth."   “We bombed Hiroshima, we bombed Nagasaki, and we nuked far more than the thousands in New York, and we never batted an eye. We have supported state terrorism against the Palestinians and black South Africans, and now we are indignant because the stuff we have done overseas is brought right back in our own front yards.” Rev. Jeremiah Wright.  I see no racism in this, so why a speech on racism today?  The perceived truth in Rev. Wright's words above ring true in the Black community to many, not just by the generation of Black people that came of age in the 1950's and 1960's, as Sen. Obama tried to push this as an old way of thinking, thinking of a previous generation.  Racial profiling did not come of age in the 1950's and 1960's its a valid issue today. On several occasions Sen. Obama continued to condemn the words of Rev. Wright as if to reassure or comfort a particular group and I doubt seriously it was the Black voter.  Sen. Obama gave a beautiful speech, but beauty is only skin deep. 

Stocks Volatile On Wall Street Following Recent Financial News

New York Stock Exchange

The bailout of Bear Stearns represents a significant moment in the looming economic crisis.  First, let me clear something up.  The main stream media has been reporting the bail out of Bear Stearns was bailed out by the government.  This is mis-information.  The Federal Reserve is NOT a government entity.  Let me repeat.  The Federal Reserve Board is NOT a government entity.  The Federal Reserve is a group of private bankers that do not work for the federal government of the United States.  This bailout is going to affect us all.  Its another curve in the ball rolling towards a possible economic collapse in the U.S.  The Federal Reserve also lowered the short term interest rate by 3/4 of a percent today.  There was talk of lowering a full 1 percent, but it appears the Fed backed off this, which would have been the biggest cut in interest rates since 1982.  This move is to try and cause Americans to spend money, which makes absolutley no sense in the daily life ot the average American since most people have tapped much of their savings and are beginning to max out their credit just to survive on a daily basis.  This coming "stimulus package" , money the IRS is sending each taxpayer, put into affect by Dubya and the U.S. Congress, appears only to put a bandage on a cancer.  The funds sent out by the IRS will serve only to show an injection of money being spent into the third quarter in efforts to prop up what will be a lousy fourth quarter.