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Entries by [Victor Amenta] (290)


Ressurection of Horus...Easter Sunday??? An allegory of the Stars


Glue In Your Meat???

Increasingly, we are becoming aware of secrets the food industry wants to keep secret.  Above, the video clearly shows the use of a "meat glue"  used to stick meat scraps together then resell it as another more expensive cut of meat.  The glue is comprised of blood coagulent from pigs or cows.  Sadly, this has been going on for years, and for those of you that often indulge on processed meats this a the glue the holds it together.   In addition, this glue patches together fish, chicken and pork.  This process is banned in the UK but, not only allowed in Australia (the source of the video), Canada and of course the U.S. 



We have to be the conscious of the people.  Tenor Saw tells us to ring the alarm.  Its our health that will steer the evolution.  Like my  man Tijuti G says "It's time for evolutionaries, not revolutionaries."  You cannot begin to be a revolutionary less a evolutionary letting words escape your mouth like "we went into Iraq, we are bombing Libya." "WE???"  How can one be a revolutionary speaking such words?  Thus, you cannot understand how one is to be an evolutionary in a time that you believe a revolt is neccessary.  Evolve to revolt.  We have left the time of guns and bombs.  We have left the time of Malcolm, Martin, Garvey and Lumumba.  It's now time for Sebi, Pookrum, Valentine and Yaffa Bey.


Why Are African American Bloggers Ignoring Japan's Nuclear Disaster?





Japan's Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant is reportedly one of the largest of not the largest nuclear power plant in the world, housing 6 units.  Of the six reactors, unit 3 has the most dangerous compostion of plutonium-239 and uranium-235 and remains the hottest of all the reactors.  Of course, the Japanese government is not telling all to "save face" and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) who is supported by the nuclear industry will not release true estimates or at least will not pressure the Japanese to give true estimates of the danger we all face.

 The whole world is at risk of some kind.  Surely, there will be a spike in cancer or birth defects world wide due to the increase of radiation released into the atmosphere that will circumvent the world because the jet stream will carry these poisons.  As of this date, the U.S. has stopped the importation of some goods from Japan due to high radiation levels.  This is not something that is just going to dissipate into the air without any affects.  Plutonium-239 has a half life of 25,000 years, which is the most deadly of all.  Uranium-235 has a half life of 700 million years and Cesium, which is more likely to escape into the atmosphere has a half life of 30 years.  Half life simply means these poisons will only lose half their potency in 25,000, 700 million or 30 years, this means we could see the affects of nuclear power at it's worse for years to come.

What's saddening to me, most of all, is the fact that the Black Blogsphere isn't covering the possible meltdown in progress.  Many in the Black Blogsphere speak badly of how the mainstream media manipulates the public, how the mainstream media is part of the 4th branch colluding with the government to hide vital information from the masses.  And yet, the mainstream media headlined by president Obama comes out speaking on attacking Libya and it seems every other black blogger wrote about the U.S. leading the bombing in Africa.  This a problem.  We all  live on planet Earth and the effect of the Dai-Ichi nuclear plant disaster will affect us all.  The bombing of Libya will affect only a few world wide.  Why then so much concentration by the Black Blogsphere on Libya?  Is the Black Blogsphere really mainstream media driven and not an alternative? 


Where Will The Radioactive Fallout Really Go?

This map indicates high level radiation in Oregon in just days.