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Royal Marshall WSB AM 750 Producer Of the Neal Boortz Show Transitions

Over the weekend, radio producer for WSB AM 750, Royal Marshall passed away leaving a wife and two children ages two and four.  Royal was only 43 years young.  Gone, leaving his children with what will only be a faint memory of him for the four year old and probably not much of a memory at all for the two year old.  I used to listen to the Royal Treatment quite often and rather enjoyed Royal's style and flow.  He often brought a brought a perspective to a conservative talking head station, that was not so right wing.  Actually, he was more of what a conservative may truly be.  Sadly, this brotha transitioned at age 43 from Hypertensive Cardio Vascular disease.

Royal Marshall with Neal Boortz

Unfortunately, too many of us, the people of the Sun, fall victim to High Blood pressure and its evil effects on our bodies.  I am not aware of Royal Marshall's health record, yet 17.5 million people died from Cardiovascular Disease in 2005 which was about 30% of the worlds population.  And, yet we continue to consume that which kills us.  I know I am scared.  Not scared of a man, nor the economy, but of what may be on my plate.  I try, I work at avoiding as much of the feed that we in this country believe is food.  Eating all the while but, receiving no nourishment or nutrients.  Here is a young man, that collapsed at 1 am and was gone by 1:30am from what is supposed to be a preventable disease.  Fighting the urges to eat this poison is much like a heroin junky trying to go cold turkey to get off smack.  Be conscious of what you put in your mouths.  If your parents ate a the typical "soul food" regimen of pork, chicken, greens and beef, remember many of them may have lived in rural areas and ate animals that were recently slaughtered.  We, however, are not receiving freshly killed animals to consume.  After an animal has been dead for more than 72 hours there in no life force to comsume.  What this society consumes is far worse and many man made chemicals have been added to meats to make them appear as if the meat was recently killed, and it was not.  If you're scared like me, you're planning your garden for this spring, you're not eating meat and if you do, you are eating grass fed certified organic beef or wild caught cold water fish.   And, even this should be held to a minimum. 


Don't Eat That!

Promoting Hip Hop not Sh*t Hop.  Sista Sa-Roc

Tilapia has, over the last decade, become a popular meal time food source.  It's everywhere.  On the menu of most local dives, and you make a healthy choice by selecting the grilled Tilapia instead of having the burger.  Or, so you think.  Tilapia is a very old fish.  Mentioned in Ancient Egyptian texts more than forty five hundred years ago, cultured in ancient China as far back as three thousand years ago, and also known as St. Peter's Fish based on the story of St. Peter catching a fish with a gold coin in it's mouth.  Tilapia are indigenous to Africa and the (so called) Middle East.  The Nile Tilapia and the Mozambique Tilapia are the original indigenous fish.  However, Tilapia raised and sold in the U.S. are classified as Nile Tilapia, but in fact are not Nile Tilapia, but something else.

Blue Tilapia

Between 1973 and 1986 the "Nile" Tilapia was being "reared" in fish hatcheries in Arizona and by 1986 a single Tilapia fish was found in the Saugahatchee Creek portion of the Yates Reservoir, in the Tallapoosa drainage of Mobile Basin in Lee County, Alabama turns up on January 12th, 1986.  This fish was introduced "experimentally" into the wild in the southern part of Arizona.  This doesn't explain how the fish ends up in Alabama and are now a large part of aquatic life in the southeast United States.  This is not a true Nile Tilapia, and actually cannot be identified.  It is a strange fish that hit U.S. market, selling at a very low price.  This fish is being sold as low as $1.49 per pound at a time when people are being told that eating of fish will improve their health.  But is this true concerning Tilapia?

Tilapia are herbivorous.  They eat primarily the vegetation in lakes, rivers, and creeks and have been used in some water treatment plants.  Most Tilapia sold in the U.S. are farm raised, though I have seen wild Tilapia sold, that is a rarity.  Farm raised Tilapia has been found to be more detrimental for heart health than eating bacon or a hamburger.  Wake Forest University Researchers have published in the Journal of  American Dietetic Association that "Tilapia have higher levels of potentially detrimental, long-chain, omega-6 fatty acids than 80-percent-lean hamburger, doughnuts and even pork bacon."  And yet, Tilapia is the number five biggest selling fish in the United States, projecting the selling of 2.5 million tons last year.   Beware, other transgenic fish are in your market including Trout, Salmon and Carp.  For my contental West African people and Memphis people that love Buffalo Fish, hate to tell you that Buffalo fish is in the Carp family.


Mother Mary....The Reason For The Season!

Believed by many to be the birth of the Son, the birth of the Messiah, the Savior of the World, December 25th has become a world wide celebration of the coming of the lord. Through time, the ancient understanding of the astronomical precession of the stars has been lost or covered by church doctrine. Church doctrine, which is primarily Catholic dogma, has converted the ancient symbols from their true meaning into a church belief system.Tilma de Juan Diego con la imagen de la Virgen de Guadalupe


We are witnessing the astronomical return of the Sun from it’s three day burial in the tomb of the southern hemisphere where it remained, until it’s slow journey back toward the north on December 25th to where it will reach it’s zenith in our month of July approximately the 25th/26th. In the biblical tale, Mary, the mother of Immanu-El (Jesus) is given her biggest role as the “Mother of God.” The giver of life of the Godman, Immanu-El, God among us.

The role of the Mother of God has slowly been degenerated under the watchful eye of the church to just a woman in the life of Jesus.  But, what is her role, really? As the “conscious community” is embroiled in the “Black woman is God” controversy, the role of Mary as the Mother of God needs to be explored and exposed for the sake of all women and for the sake of us all.

In fact the longest running war on the planet Earth is the war against women. Evidenced by the recent serial murders in the northeast United States. The ability to destroy a woman’s life so easily has been bankrolled, so to speak, due to this protracted war. The simple truth is, there would be no Jesus to venerate if there was no Mary. There would be no Jesus to worship if Mary was not a conscious mother during her pregnancy with Immanu-El.

The astronomical precession of the Sun/Son every winter in the northern hemisphere, where the Sun/Son rests in the tomb, which is synonymous womb and is reborn again every December 25th, to rise to be king in July. In the womb the Sun is rejuvenated, strengthened to reign again. Strengthened by the three day rest in the womb. How then can there be a controversy in the conscious community?

Mary, her womb, is the reason for the season. Without Mary, there would be no God on Earth, no Immanu-El, God among us.  Without the teachings of Mary, the mother, there would be no miracles, no healing ot fhe sick, no feeding of the 5000. It was she, His mother, that honed his skill in everything he did. She taught him to speak. She taught him how, and when to exercise his God given abilities. His compassion was imparted to him from his Mother. Without her, the feminine principle, there would be no Son of God.


Looking Toward The Black Future

At this juncture of time, we have come to the great crossroads.  Decision time.  In that there is much debate concerning the future of Black people and specifically African/Black/Negro/Indigenous people of the Americas.  Without dispute, economics hold a key to our collective surviving and thriving into the next cycle of time in the U.S.  We should be totally aware that as the U.S. goes so will much of the western hemisphere.  This is not to say that with the fall of the Federal Reserve Note as the main instrument for the buying and selling of debt in the U.S. and the world that all economies here in the west will fail, but the will certainly be hurt by the scramble to horde by the U.S.

In as much as economics will be a stronghold for our survival, we have to be clear that health and nutrution are going to determine our econimic well being.  Many of our people live, work and enjoy life to whatever extent they are able without giving a thought to their own physical and mental fitness and how their physical health affects the decisions they make.  Vitamin and mineral deficiencies have been associated with antisocial behavior.  Calcium Propionate used to preserve bread, has been linked to problem behaviors and yet the masses of people pass each day without the smallest of thought about how the food (feed) they consume could be affecting their lives. 

Each day, commit to learning about the body you've been given.  Take the time, when shopping, to read labels on food products.  Increase the amount of live fruits and vegetables and try to buy organic whenever possible.  And, most of all drink water.  Lots of water.  Drink half your body weight in ounces of water each day.  Lastly, and surely not least get fit.  Workout.  And to my more youthful people, gain your physical fitness through martial arts.  This is going to be the most helpful form of physical fitness for more reasons than I can mention here.  By far, martial arts offers the most comprehensive physical workout and produces more than physical fitness.  One of the greatests benefits is self defense.  No people can survive without being able to protect themselves and their families.  One cannot thrive economically and not be able to protect it.  Change is coming.  Probably not the change most of you expected when you voted for our current president, but it is coming.  



Know Thy Self...Rev. Radine Amen Ra