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Have we made it?



Here we are. After almost two years the country has decided that Sen. Barack Obama is the best man for the job and elected him President of the United States. The sight of Grant Park in Chicago was fantastic.A sea of humanity in ecstatic jubilation, tears falling, and smiles from ear to ear. Even my house erupted into jubilant noise as if the clock struck midnight moving from New Year’s Eve to the New Year. Yet, I sat silent feeling nothing. I must admit, I felt happy when I called and heard the joy coming from my mother’s voice, who had been an NAACP worker during the 1950’s in Memphis, TN. I know for her this was a great night fulfilling a personal dream for many Black people of that era.

However, my eye has sharpened since over the decades I have witnessed Black people elected into office only for things to remain the same or even get worse. Thus, the mere fact that a Black person has been elected into an office no longer brings immediate joy and satisfaction for me. I feel no since of pride or accomplishment. I have long lost the mentality of the “let us show them we are just as good as them.” This smacks of a slave mentality. We should be of the mind to rule ourselves, to become sovereign and no longer subject. Why should I feel a since of pride because a Black woman and her children will be running and playing in the white house?

The house white still belongs to “massa.” If there were a re-writing of the Constitution or an new constitution where Black people had a full voice in its construction and a Black family occupied the, lets call it the people’s house, then I would swell with pride knowing we had an equal share in the building of the nation's foundation.

But, as it stands the new president will be a Black face (mulatto face) fulfilling the requirements of the Office of the Presidency which has very little to do with the will of the people, but is becoming more and more obvious that it’s fulfilling the will of the banksters. And, this new president has shown his agreement with the lame duck president Dubya,in stripping the last vestiges of restraints of the Constitution. Oh, really? You say. Remember his vote on FISA, the Patriot Act, and the quick vote to provide 700 billion to the banksters. No money for the people. And I should feel jubilant?

A Black face, (because most white folk discount his Caucasian half) in the white house doing much of the same under the guise of change means little. So,I will wait and see if I can grow to feel proud. His election is not and should not be the source of pride alone. Pride should rise inthe fact that a man, especially a Black man will bend to the will of the people, not the banksters. Pride should rise in a Black president that rules on behalf ofand by the people. However,foremost and most importantlyit's incumbent on the people to educate themselves on their/our rightsand truly become a part of the process beyond voting.


Healthcare or Wellness? orginally created this post while on a filght to San Dego, California on October 5th in route after the death of my father.  In a post on my SupremeUltimate blog I am not feeling sadness, but  do feel a sort of strangeness when I say the words
"my father died".  The following post has been on my mind for many many years and since my father's passng I have felt more compelled than ever to write about it.


While flying to San Diego to prepare to bury my father, who died yesterday mornng, more than likely from just plane ole, old age since he lived to the ripe age of 81. His death got me to thinking about the healthcare plans being touted by each presidential candidate and universal healtcare in general.  I know there are millions of people living in the so called greatest country in the world without access to adequate healthcare.  But, is healthcare alone the answer?

In our world, here in the U.S., adequate healthcare seems to be the answer to all the people's woes, at least if you listen to Obama/Biden or McCain/Palin.  In the United States there are hundreds of thousands of people living with HIV/AIDS and many many more living with diabetes, high blood pressure, cardio pulmonary disease or some other illness that has become common place in our society today.  Yet, it seems the clamoring for healthcare is really a coded effort to fatten the coffers of the pharmaceutical companies and managed healthcare.

As I mentioned earlier I am on a flight as I write this to go and bury my father.  Approximately 19 years ago my father was preparing to retire from his job with the federal government.  He and my mother decided that they should go and get physical exams.  It was almost like they felt they were reaching their latter years and wanted to get detailed physical exams with blood draws and various screenings, which makes good sense.  After about a two to three hour stay with their primary physician they returned home, both with prescribtions for high blood pressure medications.  My mother had one particular medication and my father had another that was a heart medication being used to control his blood pressure.

Now, as I look back, I remember how the doctor they both love and trust so much had prescribed them medication without suggesting they change their diet, start an exercise program or increase their water intake then set up an appointment at a later time to recheck their blood pressure. In fact both my parents were not physically active at the time of the initial physical exam and could have benefitted from an exercise program and diet change.  Never the less, the medications were prescribed, filled, and taken by each one of my parents religiously.  However, I do consider the fact that my parents are of the generation that looks up to doctors almost as if doctors have  been deified after residency, whch explains the religious like faith in which they took their medications.

Within an eighteen month period they both were diagnosed with diabetes and prescribed more medication, which they both took religiously without question.  Still no exercise program was advised by the doctor they love and trust and still no advice to change their diet.  I have been told by friends that live with diabetes that they must eat a certain way and avoid certiain drinks and sugars and begin an exercise program, but curiously not so with my parents.  They kept eating the same way they did before their diagnosis and only began to walk on a daily basis of their own volition.  This prescribing of medication without diet change and exercise was curious to me, I questioned my parents on it, but they protested and said their doctor didn't tell them they had to change their eating habits nor exercise, so they did nothing differently than before their diagnosis.


In October of 1997, my father thought he was suffering with a cold that persisted for some time.  He put off going to his physician until he felt the cold was becomng the flu.  By the end of the year he found it was not a cold or the flu and was diagnosed with Congestive Heart Failure, often called Chronc Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD ) today.  He was prescribed a seres of medications, his blood pressure medication was changed, and his diabetes medication was increased.  In the meantime my mother developed asthma and was prescribed Prednisone, an inhaler, a breathing machine and an increase in her dosage of the diabetes meds she was taking.  Still no change in diet suggested nor an exercise program, my mother was told by her doctor that he wanted her to move around a little more and no advice concerning exercise was given to my father.

This is the American healthcare system.  My father wa a 20 year veteran of the U.S. Navy, worked another 27 years for the federal government before he finally retired.  Once he retired he never worked another day in his life (thanks to his excellent savings and investment choices), not even to break bordem, he preferred the soaps, gardening, visiting his friends and his duties as a Baptist church deacon to stave off any possibility of bordem.  Thus, his health benefits were more than adequate, but considered excellent by today's standards.

So, as Obama/Biden and McCain/Palin battle for our votes while calling for better healthcare, I wonder what that really is.  Is it a system of doling out medications as I witness with my parents?  My mother is still under this same physician's care.  Do the candidates really have our interest at heart or managed healthcare and pharmaceutical companies?  We know that physicians are given incentives to push a certain drug or recommend a certain procedure when a patient has adequately covered by a health insurance provider.  Is this what each campaign is pushing when they push their healthcare agendas?

What I hear when they speak of healthcare is more money for managed care and pharmaceutical companies.  I hear nothing of a plan such as President John F. Kennedy's Presidency Project on Physical Ftness during the 1960's.  There seems to be no emphasis on wellness or prevention by either campaign, just a call for adequate healthcare.  Funny the call is for just adequate healthcare rather than good, great or excellent healthcare.  Its too bad many will live and die such as my father, believing that whatever the doctor says is the gospel and is looking out for their good health, when it may very well be the doctor is looking out for her or his own financial health.


I Will Soon Come Back!!!

I will be away due to a family emergency and I hope to speak with all of you soon!


The Case of Troy Anthony Davis; An Injustice!

Take Action On This Issue

Troy Anthony Davis is scheduled to die on September 23rd 2008.  He is accused of killing a police officer in Savannah, GA. August 1989.  Officer Mark Allen MacPhail was moonlighting at a Burger King on the night of his murder, a murder Troy Anthony Davis maintains he did not committ. The Georgia Board of Pardons and Parole have denied a plea for clemency for Mr. Davis despite an enormous amount of doubt in his case.  They issued the death warrant for Troy Anthony Davis even though last year the Pardons and Parole Board said they would "not allow an execution to proceed in this State unless and until its members are convinced that there is no doubt as to the guilt of the accused." 

As we have witnessed daily our governments and other associated institutions care little about the sanctity of human life.  All witnesses in the Davis case have recanted in sworn affidavits that they were coerced or pressured by the police with the exception two people, one man, Sylvester "Red" Coles a principle alternative suspect , according to the defense maintains his version against Mr. Davis.  There was no murder weapon tying Troy Anthony Davis to the murder, no powder burns on Mr. Davis, or any other physical evidence against Mr. Davis.   The case against Troy Anthony Davis is built entirely on witness testimony which contained inconsistancies even during the trial.  The attorneys in the Troy Anthony Davis case working on getting the case before the U.S. Supreme Court before this Tuesday.  You to can help please send a letter to;

TAKE ACTION-send a letter to The Georgia Board of Pardons and Parole


I had to chill for a few!

I had to take a minute and observe.  This presidential election, the ecomomic fiasco, and the state of our minds that seem to be deteriorating along with the economy.  The marketing tactics of the elections are playing to the lowest mentality of the people.  The images of Sarah Palin on the front of Newsweek magazine holding a shotgun over her shoulder, is surely playing to the lowest mentality of a certain group of AmeriKKKins who were not going to vote since they couldn't see themselves voting for an African American, will almost certainly vote for the person that  APPEARS to be one of them. 

Sadly, most Black Americans are voting for Barack Obama because he is highly educated, articulate, good looking and most of all he is an African American.  Yet, his brilliance somehow does not allow him to move forward on his game, but to play the McCain/Palin game of personality/image politics that his campaign most certainly used against the Clinton machine. 

What a shame!!