Are These Men Really Raping Women Wholesale?

Previously I wrote that we should stop coddling Pookie, Ray Ray and Africa. I was told that mainstream media will not show you the truth and beauty of Africa. That mainstream media will continue to show us the negative things of Africa in order that we think negatively about Africa. In 1986 Dr. Ali Mazrui produced a series on Africa entitled The Africans: A Triple Heritage (based on his book of the same name) that opened my eyes to Africa as I had never seen before. I grew up in the era of Tarzan and the Naked Preyso you may understand the images were we fed concerning Africa and Africans. My mother often would remind me that we had cities here in the U.S., Africa had major cities in their countries just the same. Dr. Mazrui's documentary confirmed what I had been taught and what I believed. Since my imbibing of The Africans: A Triple Heritage, I have learned to glean information I received about Africa with a very discerning eye. Understanding that corporate news and television is a big business and has a mission to create a profit for their sponsors, I knew and still know their message is tainted. Rarely do I accept corporate mainstream media as a trust worthy source of information.
As such, I take the following video with a bit of curiosity as to it's full truthfulness. Yet, at the same time I realize there is a possibility that there very well may be some truth to what is being spoken about in the video. I wondered if these men really participate in the rapine they describe. Or, I wonder, if they have been asked to portray these characters to feed the world mis-information about Africa. Are they really in the DRC? How would we know if they weren't? But, maybe these men are describing truthful events they have actually been involved in or actually seen with their own eyes. Assuredly, the fight for conflict minerals to power this here PC that I bang out these letters upon, are a great source of the violence in the DRC. And, actual facts tell us rape as a weapon in the DRC is occurring. If these men are telling the interviewer the truth, and they did do these horrific things, why should any one that considers themselves awake and aware coddle them? They are not children they know what we know about right and wrong. Why then should I feel sorry for them and their actions? Why should I feel white European (U.S.) culture influenced them to do this?
I have reached a state of mind about black people, and who I would call brother or sister. There are black men here in the U.S. that savagely raped and sexually assaulted women. There are black people that have robbed and defrauded other black people in America. These people are not my brothers and sisters. I share no world with them. I have no mind or spirit about me that would allow me to stoop to the lower nature, the animal level of humanness. These people are not related to me. This is the feeling I maintain about other people, melanin rich people, that live and act on such a level, including the supposed Africans in the video.