Its been years since I have written a word about Mr. President Obama. The day before his 2009 inauguration was the last word I printed about Mr. President. But, for some strange reason after seeing his speech on possible actions against Syria today I felt something inside that drove me to this. Now, I am well aware of the myriad of things I could write about. I am far from ignorant of other issues that we are facing. I am aware of the drying up of Federal Reserve Notes the Fed flooded the economy with under QE infinity shifting the economy into another mode. This new mode now seems to be creditizing the economy which is just another tactic adding to false proping up of the economy. George Zimmerman was set free to hunt again. The U.S. Supreme Court's decision on the 1965 Voting Rights Act. And, I even know about the conviction of DeMarquise Elkins and his mother in the brutal murder of baby Antonio Santiago in a coastal Georgia town. I know this is happening but something about this Syria speech compelled me to write.
We should all know and understand that Mr. President has masters that he must report to and must act accordance for the betterment of their already lofty stations in life. Yesterday, the British parliament voted not to overtly attack Syria for its alleged use of a chemical agents on their own people. Shouldn’t the use of the same old tired arse argument of "they gassed their own people" begin to rake on our collective nerves. It’s similar to the song the local police sing when they murder someone "he was reaching into his waist band" or "he pointed the weapon at us." We, as the U.S public, should respond very much like the children of today and retort in kind with "where they do that at, Mr. police man or in the case of the POTUS Mr. President" Ok. I digress. Since the Brits bowed out of overtly attacking Syria (I say overtly because they can and probably will put in special operations teams to work covertly in the country) I wondered if the U.S. would unilaterally attack Syria or form a coalition with nations like Micronesia or Bonaire and attack Mr. Assad as a “coalition of the good.”
When the Brits bowed out I also began to wonder on whose behalf was any attack going to be conducted? If the U.S. unilateraly attacked (or with a phoney coalition of the good) Syria who would they be working for? At any rate, Mr. President today announced that he wants to act, but also said he would ask Congress for authorization. So, If I am interpreting this correctly he is asking us for permission to attack Syria. To that I will say no. No to attacking Syria, no more pledging our children's-children's energy to his masters. No to war! Period! The U.S. is still in the middle of two wars. Yeah, I know the war in Iraq is over. WRONG!!! There are still U.S. troops in Iraq where the violence is still increasing So, No more bombing. I don't give a rat’s arse about Syria and what they do. Because Mr. President has turned the decision to attack Syria over to Congress, meaning us, we need to tell him NO!!! We don't care about you wanting to act. Hell no Mr. President, let Syria do what they do. Deal with things going right here, now! Stand up to the Fed (I know I'm dreaming) and get busy working on this economy for real, Stand up and say something for the fast food workers walking out for living wages. Let Syria do what they do.
Since we get to say something about this most recent threat by "The Changeling"( that's sister Deb's name for Mr. President. I will just call him Mister from now own. Like Mister from The Colour Purple. Mister, we ain't havin it. Ok, like I started to say, we get to tell Mister "not this time", but we have to talk through our congress persons. I will provide emails for my Georgia family to their congressmen and you all out there (like how I got southern on you) need to contact your own ant tell Mister hell no we won't go.
Congressman David Scott
Congressman Heny"Hank" Johnson
Congressman John Barrow
Congressman John Lewis
Congressman Lynn Westmorland