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Entries by [Victor Amenta] (290)



AP obama speaking mi 130410 16x9 608 President Obama to Speak on Crisis in Syria

Its been years since I have written a word about Mr. President Obama.  The day before his 2009 inauguration was the last word I printed about Mr. President.  But, for some strange reason after seeing his speech on possible actions against Syria today I felt something inside that drove me to this.  Now, I am well aware of the myriad of things I could write about.  I am far from ignorant of other issues that we are facing.  I am aware of the drying up of Federal Reserve Notes the Fed flooded the economy with under QE infinity shifting the economy into another mode. This new mode now seems to be creditizing the economy which is just another tactic adding to false proping up of the economy.  George Zimmerman was set free to hunt again.  The U.S. Supreme Court's decision on the 1965 Voting Rights Act.  And, I even know about  the conviction of DeMarquise Elkins and his mother  in the brutal murder of baby Antonio Santiago in a coastal Georgia town.  I know this is happening but something about this Syria speech compelled me to write.


We should all know and understand that Mr. President has masters that he must report to and must act accordance for the betterment of their already lofty stations in life.  Yesterday, the British parliament voted not to overtly attack Syria for its alleged use of a chemical agents on their own people.  Shouldn’t the use of the same old tired arse argument of "they gassed their own people" begin to rake on our collective nerves.  It’s similar to the song the local police sing when they murder someone "he was reaching into his waist band" or "he pointed the weapon at us."  We, as the U.S public, should respond very much like the children of today and retort in kind with "where they do that at, Mr. police man or in the case of the POTUS Mr. President"  Ok.  I digress.  Since the Brits bowed out of overtly attacking Syria (I say overtly because they can and probably will put in special operations teams to work covertly in the country) I wondered if the U.S. would unilaterally attack Syria or form a coalition with nations like Micronesia or Bonaire and attack Mr. Assad as a “coalition of the good.” 


When the Brits bowed out I also began to wonder on whose behalf was any attack going to be conducted?  If the U.S. unilateraly attacked (or with a phoney coalition of the good) Syria who would they be working for?  At any rate, Mr. President today announced that he wants to act, but also said he would ask Congress for authorization.  So, If I am interpreting this correctly he is asking us for permission to attack Syria.  To that I will say no.  No to attacking Syria, no more pledging our children's-children's energy to his masters.  No to war!  Period!  The U.S. is still in the middle of two wars.  Yeah, I know the war in Iraq is over.  WRONG!!!  There are still U.S. troops in Iraq where the violence is still increasing   So, No more bombing.  I don't give a rat’s arse about Syria and what they do.  Because Mr. President has turned the decision to attack Syria over to Congress, meaning us, we need to tell him NO!!!  We don't care about you wanting to act.  Hell no Mr. President, let Syria do what they do.  Deal with things going right here, now!  Stand up to the Fed  (I know I'm dreaming) and get busy working on this economy for real,  Stand up and say something for the fast food workers walking out for living wages.  Let Syria do what they do. 

Since we get to say something about this most recent threat by "The Changeling"( that's sister Deb's name for Mr. President.  I will just call him Mister from now own.  Like Mister from The Colour Purple.  Mister, we ain't havin it.  Ok, like I started to say, we get to tell Mister "not this time", but we have to talk through our congress persons.  I will provide emails for my Georgia family to their congressmen and you all out there (like how I got southern on you) need to contact your own ant tell Mister hell no we won't go.


Congressman David Scott

Congressman Heny"Hank" Johnson

Congressman John Barrow

Congressman John Lewis

Congressman Lynn Westmorland




As a youngster I always wondered about the prefix AB.  Away from as we are taught, is the meaning of AB, found in ABsent, ABnormal... Ab-sent, away from sending, not here.  ABnormal. Away from normal, not normal. I think you get the point I'm trying to make.  But, when it came to the original people of Australia, whom are referred to as the ABorigines the "away" rule didn't seem to apply.  The Aborigigines being the original people of that island contenent AB didn't seem to fit and never, made much sense to me.  How in this case  AB didn't mean away from original but, meant the original people of Australia.   Not until I read Gerald Massey's Book of Beginnings II, did I come to understand AB meant first or primary in the Ancient Kemetan (Egyptian) language.  For some strange reason, the English decided to use AB as a prefix but to mean first or priimary instead of  AB meaning away from.  Such a trick of language.  Understanding now that AB means first or primary, I can now understand my place as a Black man of the Americas.  As we approach the 50th aniversay of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther Kings speech at the March on Washington I want to repost video of Rev. Dr. Radine Amen Ra's interpretation of this most famous speech.




Autum Ashante


Once again when it really counts, when it’s really needed right here in our own backyard Moors/AA/Blacks have failed.  I was listening to Abundance Child Worldwide or Air Abundance and her guest was Autum Ashante and her father.  Autum was in the news two years ago this month when the University of Connecticut rescinded there offer to enroll when she was 13 years ago.  Next month Autum will be graduating in the top fifteen percent of her class in the studies of math and science.  It’s becoming more and more apparent that the denigration of Black/African Americans/Moors is on a fast slide into an abyss of our own making


Last month Autum and her father, Batin Ashante appealed to the masses for financial support as Autum has been accepted into the pre med program at Iona College.  Though she was awarded a full scholarship at age 15 to attend the pre med program the scholarship does not cover the two summer sessions for the next two years.  Abundance Child aired a program this last week appealing to her listeners (during the live broadcast) to call in and congratulate one of our children and not only talk but to also participate in funding her summer sessions for the next two summers.   This is where the failure of Black/African American/Moors was further exposed.  Not one call, not one off air pledge.  Nothing.  Air Abundance has a huge call in audience when speaking on status, Moors, fasting and cleansing, but when it’s time to speak on our future, the future of Black/ African Americans/Moors not a sound was uttered


Please assist one of our children in her endeavor to reach her educational apex.  She may one day be your physician.  You can assist her by donating at www.gofundme/343hwg# or simply Google Autum Ashante and her gofundme page will appear at the top of the page.  As her father said “we have had over 10,000 views, if each has only give a single dollar we would be near our goal of 14,000.00.”  Give what you can afford to give even if its one dollar.  There is no shame in that.  Help this young lady, listen to the Abundance program and understand how Autum was raised and hear her story




Since January 2009 the black blogsphere has all but disappeared.  Specifically only a few voices of dissent or better yet, voices of clarity remain active.  Most active blogs on the Black blogsphere that maintain high readership are either concerned with race/white supremacy or entertainment.  Abagond, a blog focused on race/white supremacy is quite active and maintains high readership.  Let’s Be Clear owned by Sister Deb is an active blog that has a bit of a cult following (me included), however it’s focus in primarily about race with a discerning eye on the “first black” president’s less than transparent leadership.  Yet, those more progressive blogs, with the exception of The Black Agenda Report owned by Bruce Dixon and Glen Ford, The Afrospear, Muslim Bushido/The Sojourner’s Passport and a few others, have all but been muted.  It’s not that we have nothing to say, it’s more as the Eco.Soul.Intellectual opines “[it]…feel[s] like you are just writing out in space with little to no feedback. When you are actually writing original pieces on original topics with your own thought, that even presents another labor that is done in love, and thanklessly.” 


I believed, back in ’06, that we were on the cusp of a new medium.  One which would grow over time as the internet would become something that would be at your fingertips.  And in fact, it has.  Over 45% of the U.S. population now has smart phones or tablets and can access information within seconds.  But, at the same time it appears the black population’s need to be informed has diminished.  I don’t want to put the denigration of the Black bloggsphere squarely on the (s)election of Obama as president as the only problem, though this may be a part of the equation.   The fact remains that we have not gained the readership outside of other black bloggers.  In essence, we are preaching to the choir.  This is part and parcel of the dumbing down of America.  Khadija, owner of Muslim Bushido and The Sojourner’s Passport believes “…this sort of disintegration of African American/Black entities is yet another manifestation of the end of the road for the African American collective.”  Old beliefs or hopes are hard to kill, so my soul didn’t want to agree with her sentiment, but I cannot ignore the handwriting on the wall.  I know she is totally correct.  We are allowing ourselves to become more and more disjointed each and every day and it is of our own doing.  No racism or white supremacy is responsible for Black/African Americans wanting to ignore what is clearly set before them.


The Afrospear/Black blogsphere were (some still are) filling the need for truly Black news and information.  We have no true Black radio stations.  We no longer have an uncompromised Black newspaper.  The Final Call is still printed but, itself has become tainted due to  Minister Farrakhan’s collusion with the Church of Scientology.  The internet offered a counterbalance to the government’s fourth branch that used to be America’s journalists and open press.    A few will carry on the work needed to uplift and keep calling out into the wilderness keeping the fire burning.  Assata Shukur said"Like most poor people in the United States, I have no voice. The Black press and the progressive media, as well as Black civil rights organizations, have historically played an essential role in the struggle for social justice. We should continue and expand that tradition…”  I believe the Black blogsphere, I believe The Afrospear has expanded that tradition via the medium of the internet.  As a group, collective or community we may not reach that goal but the tradition is still alive in a few of us.  To keep this fire burning requires a commitment to our people (we are not monolithtic so our people may vary) and to our mission.  And yet, as a collective a commitment may be the problem on two fronts as it appears the Black collective only responds in unison against overt white oppression.


Without a heavy hand overtly oppressing Black people, and specifically a white hand oppressing Black people, there will be no commitment.  My Wisdom once told me that Black people are cursed and will not progress as a collective.  Again, as with Khadija’s sentiment, my soul refused to accept this.  Asabagna came to this realization within The AfroSpear Think Tank noting “I have seen many people come and go at the AfroSpear for various reasons, but the prevailing factor in all those who left is a lack of commitment to the process of working together for a purpose greater than oneself.”  Asa goes on to say “…my experiences within the AfroSpear has led me to the conclusion that there will NEVER be any meaningful, nor long lasting unity nor solidarity among those of African descent, particularly among the so called best and brightest of us…”  I cannot disagree with either Khadija or Asa.  As much as I hate to agree, I will not ignore what is set before me.   There will be no more white hand overtly oppressing us to congeal the Black collective into a unified force, therefore Asa and Khadija are absolutely correct.  Not only is there no commitment to working together in the Black collective, there is no commitment by the Black collective to educate and uplift itself.


The Eco.Soul.Intellectual said that blogging has become a thankless task.  Thankless, because we have no readership other than bloggers that are on the task of uplifting the minds of the people.  I can converse with no one that I personally know, people that say they love me, that actually reads my blog or any other blogs for that matter.  The digital divide among Black people still exists on a mind numbing scale right now in 2013.  I have asked and observed and find that most of the everyday working man and woman has little desire to improve their state of mind beyond what is required to gain a promotion or increase in pay.  Beyond that, sports, reality shows and entertainment television in general are the pill of choice for the population within the Black collective.  Falling ever into the abyss of nothingness designed for the purpose of dumbing and numbing the population much as Rome did it’s citizens as it descended into chaos and later overrun by the “barbarians.”  During the Nicaraguan revolution brought to Samosa by the Sandinistas, it was said the war began with the poets.  If that be the case for us, we are finished.




2006 was the year I became aware of the Blacks Blogsphere.  I began my blog right here in the late summer/early fall of 2006.  I had come to realize that we, black/African American people, were not getting our story told via the mainstream media. Like most I believed I had something of value to say to our people and to act as a voice of our people.  I soon learned I was not alone in this feeling and I soon virtually bumped into the Field Negro.  Soon thereafter I found the Free Slave, Bronze Trinity and Asabagna all online with the same idea to enlighten our people and give them a voice, where we were practically voiceless.  Jet was no longer doing it for us, neither was Ebony.  We need something more.


In late 2006, the idea of banning together and putting forth information from a black perspective sprang forth and we all tossed around ideas.  Soon Asabagna, Bronze Trinity, The Free Slave, Aulelia, Kizzie, Francis L. Holland and a few others brought forward the AfroSpear.  We loved it.  We believed we would be a force to recon with and soon we would find out just how powerful this conglomeration of bloggers would be.  In March 2007 Howard Witt, writing for the Chicago Tribune broke the story of the Jena 6.  The AfroSpear got wind of the story and we all posted information about the Jena, Louisiana case.  Soon,  after we made the story go viral (we didn’t use that term back then) radio personalities Al Sharpton and Michael Baisden began to air it on their national radio programs.  It was due to the constant outcry of the AfroSpear that drove these two to speak.  There would be others, the Shaquanda Cotton case and the most heinous of all was the brutal sexual assault and rape of a woman by youngsters in the Dunbar Village apartments.  Weekly many of us black bloggers posted open letters appealing for justice for the victims. 


We were on fire.  We had influenced each one of these cases on one level or another and we could see we in fact wielded a powerful sword.  Then comes senator Barack Obama announcing his candidacy for president of the United States.  This opened up a plethora of opinions.  There were many for the senator and many, well, not so much against just not on his jock like they were.  Many of refused to drink of the cup of the poisonous swill being leached out by the then senator from Illinois.  The dye was cast and many of us were excoriated by other black bloggers for refusing the cup of the George Town, Guyana verbal cool aid the good senator from Chicago offered.   After the senator won the prize of presidency, this seemed to lull the black blogsphere to sleep.  The fire seemed to be dying out.  Slowly, what was once a haven for new ideas and opinions the black blogsphere began to be a sphere of remixed excrement from the main stream media.  Their boy was in office and that was that.


To Be Continued...

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